I love you PorPor.
Jul 23, 2008
The Cutest boy EVER!!
Yeah...I guess i've said that 3 other times in my life! So I have the 4 cutest boys ever. Pictures of the older 3 will come later. Allen is at a jazz camp in Colorado this week and today I took Miles and Quincy to stay with Grandma Matthews for a few days. Hopefully we'll have some fun pictures of their trip later. For now, it's just me and the PorPor. He is so cute!! Today has kind of reminded me of when Miles was a baby and it was just the two of us. It makes me kind of sad that I can't spend all of the one on one time with each of the boys that I did with baby#1. But I guess they don't know any different, and I am enjoying time with Porter. What a fun, happy baby!
Jul 17, 2008
Portly Porter is 4 months!
What a cutie! We love our little Por Por! Ok, BIG Por Por! I can't believe Porter is 4 months old! He is so fun. He smiles a lot but his giggles are pretty selective. He weighs about 17 pounds and his 6-12 month clothing is getting pretty tight! He loves to sit up and stand up (both with help) and wants to chew on everything he can get a hold of. His hair is starting to fill in and he wants attention all the time. It is more difficult now to pay attention to all 3 boys at once...now that Porter isn't content to just lay there. But this is such a fun age...smiling but not mobile! 
We love you Porter! What a special blessing you are to our family! We are so thankful for you!
Jul 14, 2008
I want to be BIG!
I keep telling Porter that he is ONLY 4 months old! Don't be wanting to get BIG too fast Por Por. He tolerates his bouncer chair...for obvious reasons apparently. It leans him back instead of upright in the sitting position. I finally got a couple of pics of this. Porter is the size of a baby that can sit up...he is actually only a pound lighter than Miles was at a year old! What a porker! We love him though. He is super cute. He is trying to cut teeth right now so he isn't the most pleasant, but that could also be from getting hit in the head multiple times today by his brothers? Porter also loves to stand up. If I would hold him there, he would stand up all day! Silly boy.....I try to tell him that he is my baby.....but he just wants to grow up and be big!

I love you Por Por.
Jul 10, 2008
Spiderman boys!
Allen just got back :) from an EFY in Oregon. He brought the boys back spiderman jammies for their "prize". The jammies say "HERE COMES TROUBLE". Isn't that the truth?? haahaa. 

We are so glad to have daddy back home. We enjoyed our afternoon together. We will enjoy having him around for the next week because he will then go to Colorado for the Rocky Mountain Vocal Jazz Camp for a week. Hopefully I can survive the week! At least I will be safe from the badguys with my 2 spiderman boys around.
oh yeah...I am not fond of the new athletic shoes the boys picked out. Spiderman!!! They are super excited about them so I guess I will get used to them. At least their feet grow fast!! :)
Laughing brothers!
It's so fun to see the boys having fun with each other. Miles just adores Porter. He is so good with him and wants to be his buddy, talk to him, and obviously, make him laugh!
Thanks for being such a wonderful big brother Miles!
Jul 6, 2008
Ready for church!
Aren't my boys so cute?? Of course I can't get them all to smile at one time but they look so nice! I love you boys! Thanks for all of the wonderful moments! 

Miles' first swimming lessons!
Miles loved his first experience with swim lessons. This video might not seem impressive to most people...but for Miles, this is incredible! Miles did not like to get splashed or get his face even remotely close to the water before he had 2 weeks of swimming lessons...and now? Watch our fishy swim.

We are so proud of you Miles. It's always hard to try something new but Miles was not nervous at all. He went right with the teachers and loved his time practicing in the water. (We did practice putting our heads under in the bathtub one night....he said he didn't want to during his lesson. I suggested we practice that night in the tub and maybe then he would want to try it at the pool)
What a fishy you are now Miles!
Jul 5, 2008
Diamond Fork Hotpots Hike
The boys had another hiking adventure with daddy! He is so patient to take them on such fun adventures. The boys love daddy time! 

I love this first picture. Quincy can't quite figure out how to give a thumbs up and this is usually what he does instead.
Anywhere that the boys can throw rocks in the river is heaven for them. They could throw rocks in the river all day long....literally. You would think that all of these hiking adventures would tire them out....why doesn't it work? They are such busy bodies. Thanks Dad for taking us on another fun hiking adventure. We loved it! (and the Slurpee tradition afterwards too)
Jul 4, 2008
My red hat winter babies!
I took this really great shot of Miles when he was 4 months old. He was wearing red striped jammies and for fun I put a red snow hat on him. When Q was 4 months I took one of him, and now that Porter is 4 months old....why break tradition? The only problem is this: Porter is already wearing 6-12 month clothing and it is super hot right now, so he was not thrilled with getting his picture in jammies that are too tight and a winter hat on his head! oh well. Thought it was a fun idea anyway.
P.S. Rog, here is your Porter pic to finish off your collage....I'll print one off for you...just let me know the size you want!

They sure look like brothers, but I like how these pictures show their individuality too! The picture of Miles is still my favorite shot of the 3. Nothing quite like the original. I love my baby boys!!
Jul 1, 2008
Miles turns 5!
I can't believe Miles is 5 years old! He had to open presents first thing. He got a craft organizer, spiderman towel and sunglasses, money, baseball T, golf clubs, etc...
Thanks everyone for all of the thoughtful gifts!
Miles wanted to go to Pizza Factory to eat and then play at Jumpin Jacks. We had lots of fun and got some cute pictures of the boys. Grandma Lara was here to help celebrate.
As soon as he realized he was 5, Miles wanted to know if he started kindergarten tomorrow! He is really excited to go to school everyday!
Miles wanted a Superman cake and we all enjoyed eating it. Yum yum.
I recorded a video of Miles telling us all what his favorites things are, but I am still trying to get it on the blog so here is is in written form, just in case.
Favorite color: red
Favorite friend: Joshua
Favorite food: cheetos, crepes
Favorite sport: Larry Bird and Michael Jordan
(funny how he didn't really answer the question...like
there is no other obvious favorite!!)
Favorite activity: playing with friends
Favorite activity with Daddy: wrestling on the bed
Miles, we love you so much! You are such a thoughtful
person and very aware of others' feelings. We love that about you.
We are so glad you are excited to start school.
We love you Buddy boy!
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