Apr 19, 2010

The tramp is back!!!

We take down our tramp every winter. The boys are so sad to see it go, but get SO EXCITED when it's time to put it up again. Our enclosure gave up the ghost...so we need to buy a new one. But for now, we are just being super careful...
This is about as careful as Kiki gets! LOL!

Yeah for SPRING!!!!

Apr 15, 2010


Pancakes for dinner...

We love to have breakfast for dinner....but I am starting to think the boys just like it for the

Meeting baby Britin

Yay.....for part of spring break we went up to Idaho Falls and met a new cousin, Britin, and see her blessing! Tiffany is such a happy loving mommy! The boys were very interested in her, especially Miles. Now I am getting the "when are we having a baby" questions....thanks Tiff! Miles got this really cute smile on his face every time he went to say HI and even got to feed her. Once she got a little squirmy though, he was done! Congrats Tiff! She is adorable!

Apr 1, 2010

Our own April Fools...


Porter and his best buddy!

Yummy, yummy eating the snow!!!

The Hereditary "LIP"

Porter has been using the "LIP" quite often to show his disappointment in something. Allen also uses his LIP! They look like twinners!
(Porter looks like he is smiling but it's because he thought it was so funny to be faking the "LIP" for the picture!)

We also finally got through Miles' lip and got out his tooth! Yeah, Miles! The other top front will soon follow!