I can't believe Miles is almost done with 3rd grade! Where does the time go?
Although the picture quality is always poor at the programs in the cafeteria, they do say a lot about Miles.
He HAD TO wear his Jazz shirt for the program...Mom tried to talk him into a polo or something a little nicer, but they were supposed to wear green for the program and how can an 8 year old boy resist the green shirt that has the Jazz and MATTHEWS written on the back!!
Don't he and Benji look thrilled! Ha!
This is the boys' reaction to me motioning to Miles to STOP BITING HIS NAILS!!
He is my child. I had to quit that habit twice...and you can still catch me doing it once in awhile (not nails but hang nails and such)
This is by far my favorite of Miles. Shows his great laugh. He loves his friends and being among them at school and playing after school. He is a wonderful friend and tries really hard to think of others. I love that about Miles.
BLESS BLESS BLESS his teacher this year, Mrs. Aguero! I didn't realize how LOUD his class was until I helped with the Valentine Party. She left me with the class while she popped popcorn and I ran games. Holy Cow, they are a loud bunch! Miles has lots of friends from the neighborhood in his class this year...probably doesn't help with the noise level in class.
Miles continues to be passionate about sports. He plays Fall and Spring Baseball and also Basketball. He loves the Rockies and Jazz. He reads the newspaper every morning and watches the sports highlights before school. He loves crepes, taquitos. His favorite color is green. He looks the most like the Hansen side of the family of all our boys. He thinks of others. He loves TREATS....candy, soda, etc...
My favorite phrase from Miles this spring:
He was talking about "when he plays in the NBA and MLB"...I told him "Miles do you know how many people actually get to play at that level?" His answer "1201". haha! He is our sports radio...Allen turned to me and said "He is probably right!"
We love you Miles.