Jun 15, 2013

Baseball Fanatics!

Baseball season is almost over.  We spent A LOT of time at the ball fields (and we'll spend even more next year with Porter starting)  I love to be there and cheer on my boys!  There are so many wonderful things about playing a team sport.  I am so excited to see them learning and growing.  
Here are some recent shots:

this was a nailbiter day of baseball....hail, lightening, etc...
Miles has never liked loud noises...since he was a baby.  He wasn't too keen on the thunder.

Had to throw in this last one to show you why I call Miles Jameson sometimes.  Can you say TWINERS!?
My brother, Jameson, is on the left in case you weren't sure!

When I showed this to Miles he said "we don't look alike" Quincy just had his mouth open wide not saying anything!