Nov 1, 2008

A Day in the Life...

of an 8 month old!  I can't believe Porter is 8 months old!  Boy is he keeping us all on our toes now.  The boys are trying to remember to pick up their fruit snack wrappers and crayons/etc...because Porter is getting into everything!  Here is a typical day...if there is such a thing...
Lots of people comment on what a mellow baby Porter seems to be...
Don't go on if you want to believe that...haaahaaa
Poor baby is teething
Mom, my teeth hurt!!!
oh least one is here!!
I love being able to get up that tile stair now....except
when I pull over chairs on my finger!  
oh mom....look what I can get into now....yeah...wipes!!
I finally get a biter biscuit...and mom remembers why she
stopped giving them to my brothers when they were babies!
Nothing like a bath to make me clean and happy!

yeah...daddy's home!  I love daddy time!

Helping mom with the dishes is fun too!  Look at 
me grab that knife!  

Porter,  I love spending every day with you....even when you are super cranky getting teeth, not napping well, and screaming with a smashed finger!  (dad will need to remind me of this comment some days)  You are so cute and a joy to all of us!  I love you PorPor. 

1 comment:

m said...

Hooray baby boy! He makes me really excited for my own little man! love m