I've noticed that a lot of my friends' blogs are super cute and tell all of the wonderful things their families are doing and the accomplishments of the kids,etc...hardly ever do they mention the struggles. I think it's good to acknowledge that some days are crazy and sometimes the kids just drive you bonkers. (I am sure we drive them bonkers sometimes too)
The other day was one of those days at our house. Porter has been teething and won't sleep well during the day. So if he isn't eating, he is super fussy. I even forgot to feed him at dinner time because he has been so fussy that I totally forgot that he was hungry! I finally realized that was the problem when Porter started sucking on my neck...poor kid.
Miles got stung by a yellow jacket and his hand puffed up so much that he couldn't straighten out his fingers.
If we survive raising Quincy it will be a miracle. He is into spitting right now! I sent him to his room, but went to nurse the baby right after that. He grabbed a chair from his room and threw it down the stairs. It made a major indention in the wall at the bottom of the stairs. And of course he just smiles about it. (But, he can be so lovable...he is sitting right next to me right now kissing my arm)
So if you ever think that you just won't make it through the day, remember that we all have days like that. AND we make it through the day....and live to tell about it....and smile again in the morning!
I love being a mom....sometimes I just have "I don't like it" moments! The boys teach me so much and I love them! Always!
Thanks boys...for making sure there is never a dull moment! How boring would that be :)