Jul 4, 2008

My red hat winter babies!

I took this really great shot of Miles when he was 4 months old.  He was wearing red striped jammies and for fun I put a red snow hat on him.  When Q was 4 months I took one of him, and now that Porter is 4 months old....why break tradition?  The only problem is this: Porter is already wearing 6-12 month clothing and it is super hot right now, so he was not thrilled with getting his picture in jammies that are too tight and a winter hat on his head!  oh well.  Thought it was a fun idea anyway. 
P.S.  Rog, here is your Porter pic to finish off your collage....I'll print one off for you...just let me know the size you want!
They sure look like brothers, but I like how these pictures show their individuality too!  The picture of Miles is still my favorite shot of the 3.  Nothing quite like the original.  I love my baby boys!! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How darling is that.
