Aug 26, 2008

Be careful what you ask for!

Here is another family home evening from the Matthews house.  Allen found these armor outfits at a garage sale and thought they would be good to talk about putting on the armor of God.  
The boys had a blast.  We talked about ways they can put on spiritual armor....reading scriptures, praying, getting along with others, etc...They still don't get it, really.  They are too young to understand that concept.  But Miles did put some scriptures in his bed so he could read his own before he fell asleep....then the next day told me that he needed to put on the armor because he did his reading!  Cute kid!  Then we put the armor on them and shot them with the marshmallow shooters.  
The video is a crack up because it is so our boys.  Miles is directing Quincy how to use the armor.  and Quincy sure listens to him....Miles, you need to be careful what you ask for!!  Quincy will be happy to help out!