Dec 16, 2009

Miles' First Concert

Miles has been taking music lessons this year with the Utah Valley Children's Choir Lets Play Music program.  He has enjoyed it...but really wants to know why he can't just start playing trumpet right now.  Buddy boy, you've got to take the "basic" music classes first.  Even Porter has been singing "Mi Re Do". 

Pictures from his first concert...doesn't he look soooo nice? 
Here's his little tantrum from too much picture taking....gotta get that one in!
My choir boys.  Allen has been helping out with the concert choir for the UVCC.  

Here is a clip from the concert.  Sorry for the poor quality.  I had 2 crazy little boys with me... bumping me, trying to swipe the camera, etc...!!  I know you can't imagine who that would've been!  Good job, Miles.  We are so proud of you!


Brenthoven said...

LOVE THE PHOTOS! What handsome boys and such
talents! (Of course I would expect nothing less knowing what amazing parents they have!!!)
May see you in the spring when I return from NZ.
Have a blessed holiday season and keep the music and most of all love flowing! BJ

Nancy said...

You are right. What kind of question is that for a prego? If I were to compare all four pregnancies, I'd have to say this is the hardest. I feel like there just have to be twins in there and I can't see how the doctors all missed it! JK I know there is only one, but wow he must be big because I feel it. I can hardly wait until the day comes.

Priprava said...

super fencs