Mar 1, 2011

Bobo turns 3!

Guess What????
I turned 3!! I am so big!
What would a birthday be without presents? Miles and Quincy wrapped a whole box of treasures for Porter. He loved opening their gifts! But what has he been talking about for months???
Yeah, Porter has new buddies! Thanks to all of the grandpas, grandmas, aunts, and uncles for chipping in to get these fantastic Buzz and Woody dolls! As you can tell, he loves them!
and now Porter can be Buzz!!
He even got a new "big boy" blanket with tractors on it!
What birthday would be complete without a yummy birthday dinner....his choice: McDonalds (Raunchy Ronnies)! Yum yum!
and then cupcakes.....with Batman and Buzz on them!

Porter's Favorites:
Phrase: "Next time"
Pastime: coloring, playing tractors, Batman, Buzz
Friends: Miles, Quincy, Dad, Mom, and Blake
Nickname: Bobo
Movie: Toy Story 2

We love you Bobo! Happy .75!

1 comment:

laura said...

Happy Birthday Poter!! From Eryn. Hope your day was super!