Aug 13, 2008

Summer Pictures

Wow!  Where did the summer go?  Here are some random shots from the last couple of weeks!

Bball shots have to come first of course.  We play a lot of ball at our house.  Quincy has been interested in wearing sweatbands lately.  I even had a lady at McDonalds ask me what happened to his arm....I was confused until I realized she thought the sweatband was a bandage. Miles is our "perfect technique" boy and Quincy just uses his brute strength. But both are very talented.

Porter is so adorable!  He is really fussy right now because he is trying to get a tooth, but what a fun fuzzy boy.  (his head is super fuzzy). He is enjoying being big...tummy time is making mom nervous...he can push up onto his feet...the beginnings of the crawling...ahhhh!

Miles loves to dress as characters.  This is his Cruela Deville outfit. (101 Dalmations)
Don't ask...I have no idea!

Miles found a praying mantis in our backyard and the boys found it fascinating! 
of course....bugs and boys!  I am proud of Quincy that he didn't smash, no not Quincy :)

We had a couple of great rainbows lately.  Our home with the rainbow and the church in our backyard!  Allen still mentions how much he loves having the building so close!

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